Neurodiversity Celebration Week

One of the best things about being part of a professional membership association is the wide variety of industry professionals you meet and collaborate with. In a world where diversity is increasingly recognised and valued, Neurodiversity Celebration Week stands as a reminder of the importance of embracing and celebrating differences. Taking place between 18th-24th March, the week is seen as a platform to raise awareness, promote acceptance and encourage inclusivity for individuals who are neurodiverse.

What is Neurodiversity?

It is estimated that around 1 in 7 people in the UK are neurodivergent. Neurodiversity simply refers to different ways people may process information and explains that there is not a “right” way of thinking, learning or behaving.

The most common types of neurodiversity are:

  • Autism/ASD
  • Dyslexia
  • Dyscalculia
  • Dyspraxia

Valuing Neurodiversity in the Workplace

The point of Neurodiversity Celebration Week is to recognise that neurological differences are not hindrances but are something to be valued. By embracing and recognising neurodiversity, organisations can tap into unique perspectives, talents and skills that help drive innovation and creativity.

Supporting Neurodiverse Professionals

One way professional membership associations can get involved in Neurodiversity Celebration Week is by creating initiatives that raise awareness and promote the understanding of neurodiversity. By providing a platform for open dialogue and education, associations can help to break down stigma and create a culture of acceptance and inclusion.

Inclusive Environments

When working with a professional membership association, consider who makes up the membership. Mentorship programmes and access to support services may be of great importance to not only members, but also those members who are neurodiverse.

By creating these resources, associations can ensure that all members of their organisation have the opportunity to thrive and succeed in their careers.


Professional membership associations should cultivate environments that encourage collaboration and mutual support among members, including those individuals who may be neurodiverse. Embracing and celebrating neurodiversity will help to create more inclusive and beneficial environments that help all.

The Neurodiversity Celebration Week has put on a weeklong schedule of events and webinars for those to understand more about neurodiversity. Let us know in the comments your experiences with neurodiversity in the workplace and what you organisation does to facilitate understanding.

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