10 Simple Perks Every Professional Membership Should Offer

10 Simple Perks Every Professional Membership Should Offer

Professional membership associations are crucial in supporting their industry. They provide support to their members through relevant resources, networking opportunities and growth avenues. For associations to remain relevant and valuable to their members, it’s essential for them to offer a wide range of perks that cater to the diverse needs of their membership.

Access to Resources

Providing members with the latest information on industry trends and hot topics is an excellent way to significantly enhance their professional knowledge. Members are able to stay abreast of the latest trends, innovations and best practices within their field with guidance from your association.

Networking Opportunities

A key reason that professionals join membership associations in the first place is for the plethora of networking opportunities that are made available to them. Association events give members a chance to expand their network, leading to collaboration, mentorship opportunities and career advancements.

Since the pandemic we’ve seen just how easy it is to organise these networking events in an online environment using software such as Microsoft Teams or Zoom.

Continuing Professional Development

Continuing Professional Development opportunities help members to enhance their skills and remain competitive within their industry.

If your association doesn’t have the facility to develop a CPD programme, consider collaborating with other organisations who provide a CPD certification. There is no reason why the learning opportunities your association provides shouldn’t contribute to their CPD point total.

Career Support

Members can appreciate a small push in the right direction when looking to develop their careers. Job Boards can be a great addition to your association’s website and could also act as a source of income from companies who wish to advertise their jobs with you.


Discounts should be offered to your members for the products and services that your association offers. This could be an industry specific item such as software or books, or services such as training courses or event tickets.

Providing member discounts provides them with tangible benefits and can initially make your membership look more attractive.

Exclusive Content

Exclusive content such as newsletters, guides and eBooks will keep members engaged. The content your association provides should be insightful and offer tips and advice that may not be readily available through other sources. This will help to reinforce the value of the membership.

Mentorship Programmes

Establishing a structured mentorship programme can greatly benefit members, particularly those who are early in their careers. Pairing experienced professionals with newer members can create a supportive environment for them, encouraging on-the-job learning and aid in professional growth.


Recognising and celebrating the achievements of your members can boost morale and encourage continued excellence. Setting time aside for awards and recognition programmes either online or during face-to-face events will highlight outstanding contributions to your industry and motivate members to strive for higher standards.

Advocacy & Representation

A big responsibility of a professional membership association is to be a voice for the industry. Advocating on behalf of members to influence policy, regulations, and industry standards can create a more favourable environment for the profession as a whole.

Community & Support

Online forums, closed social media groups and special interest groups can provide platforms for members to connect, share experiences and support each other. Offering these networks will help to create a sense of community among members and build loyalty across the association.

How We Can Help

At Cygnul we work in partnership with our clients and are seen as trusted advisors to the Board. We can undertake the full range of membership, secretarial and bookkeeping services as well as offering advice and support to associations around the UK. If you want to explore how these services could help your organisation, please get in touch with us.

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